What is BYOD?
BYOD stands for ‘Bring Your Own Device'. BYOD is an initiative that will allow students who have their own iPad to bring it to school to use it for educational purposes under the direction of a teacher. The iPads will be used in the teaching of all Key Learning Areas, including Mathematics and English.
There are many reasons to go BYOD, including:
- Bridging the gaps between school and home.
- Personalising and differentiating learning, eg: a variety of apps to create and produce quality pieces of work, accessibility and options to adjust learning experiences.
- Promoting students' control of their learning.
- Building student organisation skills and sense of responsibility.
- Engaging students!
Acceptable Devices
At this stage only iPads and iPad minis are allowed due to their compatibility with the school wireless system and their inbuilt protections against viruses.
Registration of Devices
Prior to bringing a personal device to school, students and parents need to read, sign and abide by the
‘BYOD Policy' and return it to the class teacher. Permission, if granted will be for the current school year
only. Consequences for breach of the agreement will be determined by the principal and may include
banning a student from bringing their device to school.
Free apps and web resources are preferred. If any paid apps are required, this needs to be discussed with
the ICT Coordinator, who will assess the suitability of the app. If approved, a note will be provided to parents requesting them to purchase the app.
Parent Information Session
Each year we host a parent information session on BYOD for the parents of children in years 3 to 6.
The purpose of the parent night will be to inform and provide information to parents on:
- The benefits of BYOD
- Our school policy and BYOD Participation Agreement
- Parental Access/Involvement (including Cyber Safety)
- Curriculum tools that will be use
- Frequently asked questions / concerns
R.S.P.S BYOD Documents
- Information Letter (docx 862 KB)
- Policy and agreement (docx 910 KB)