Public Speaking
Revesby South Public School has been teaching Public Speaking for over 15 years. It is an annual program where all classes from Kindergarten to Year 6 participate.
Revesby South is very fortunate because parents are very supportive of this program as some of it is practised at home.
Class competitions are held and children then enter a school competition where there are three divisions: K-2 , Junior (Year 3 &4) and Senior (Year5 & 6). The winners of these competitions then move on to represent the school at a district competition level.
Helpful Hints:
- Think about your content ie. WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY?
- Your speech should have : an opening introduction, extra details (ie. the body of the speech) and a concluding statement.
- Speak clearly and at a good volume.
- Look at the audience
- Use prompt cards to help you deliver your speech
- Stay on the topic! Make your speech entertaining.