Revesby South Public School

Strive to succeed

Telephone02 9773 8886


As a service to the parents/caregivers of RSPS students we operate a Uniform Room on the grounds of the school. Here you can purchase the complete range of uniform items, including those which display the RSPS crest.  We are located in E Block (near the Vega St gate).

The Uniform Room is open every Wednesday 9.00am-9.45am for purchasing items by cash. For convenience you can direct debit orders and send in your order form to the office or email the uniform room directly . The processed orders will then be delivered to your child’s class.

We also operate a Second Hand cupboard, with a limited amount of second hand items for sale.

Alternately you can purchase uniforms from Claudine School wear online or in store at 6/33 The River Road, Revesby NSW 2212. Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm & Saturday 9am-1pm.

Our Uniform Room is run solely by volunteers from the school community. It is a great way to meet other parents & be actively involved in your child’s school. If you feel you could spare 45minutes two or three times per term, on a Friday morning next year, then we would love to hear from you. 

 How you can help(PDF 45KB) .  

The Uniform Committee meets once each term and is comprised of those volunteers who appear on the Roster.

  • Uniform Coordinator - Meagan Whitehorn
  • Uniform Treasurer - Catherine White

Download the Uniform Order form


1. Summer:

a. Summer school tunic with badge

b. Plain white socks

c. Black school shoes

d.Black school hat with emblem

2. Winter:

a. Winter tunic with badge or winter skirt

b. Plain black school trousers

c. Sky blue polo Shirt with emblem

d. Plain white socks or black tights

e. Black school shoes

f.  Plain black school zippered jacket with emblem or black/gold school microfibre jacket with emblem

g. Black school hat

h. Blue hair ribbons

3. Summer sports uniform:

a. Gold polo Shirt with school emblem

b. Black netball skirt or black sport shorts

c. Plain gold socks

d. Plain black or white joggers

e. Black or gold hair ribbons

4. Winter sports uniform:

a. Gold polo shirt with school emblem

b. Black tracksuit pants or black netball skirt or black sport shorts

c. Plain gold socks

d. Plain black or white joggers

e. Black or gold hair ribbons


1. Summer:

a. Sky blue polo Shirt with emblem

b. Black school Shorts

c. Plain white socks

d. Black school Shoes

e. Black school hat with emblem

2. Winter:

a. Plain black school trousers

b. Sky blue polo Shirt with emblem

c. Plain white socks

d. Black school Shoes

e. Plain black school zippered jacket with emblem or black/gold school microfibre jacket with emblem

f. Black school hat with emblem

3. Summer sports uniform:

a. Gold polo Shirt with school emblem

b. Black sport shorts

c. Plain gold socks

d. Plain black or white joggers

4. Winter sports uniform:

a. Gold polo shirt with school emblem

b. Black tracksuit pants OR

c. Black Sport Shorts

d. Plain gold Socks

e. Plain black or white joggers 

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