The environment plays an important role here at Revesby South. We have taken upon the philosophy of reduce, reuse and recycle.
We have reduced water consumption by installing rain water tanks as well as water saving taps. Our administration block is solar powered. There are paper recycling bins in each room and children are encouraged to sort. Objects are reused in the classroom for art and other activities.
Students have the opportunity to learn about and care for the environment in a number of school programs:
- Environmental studies.
- Gardening club
- Veggie patch
- Chickens
- Native stingless bee hives
- Composting and worm farming.
- Guest speakers.
We have also had involvement from the school community in the care for our school grounds. We encourage you to support your child's 'going green' activities, and to help them to learn to care for the environment as part of their everyday lives. To keep up to date regarding Garden Club, please refer to our blog.
Language, Learning and Literacy (L3) is a classroom-based, early intervention for students Kindergarten and Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) that facilitates students in becoming great, successful readers and writers through daily literacy lessons.
Students receive explicit instruction in reading and writing strategies in small groups of three selected students. Students then rotate to independent individual or group tasks. The activities provide them with opportunities to work alone, interact with a peer and participate in a small group of students. This occurs in the daily Literacy session.
Fore more information about this program, a Department of Education's Language, Learning and Literacy brochure (pdf 3279 KB) is available to download.
In 2015 Revesby South is implementing the L3 program for Stage 1. This program builds upon foundations of Kindergarten L3. Quality literature is used to develop comprehension skills to positively impact on quality writing.