The Curiosity & Powerful Learning program is designed for school communities wanting to engage in a rigorous school improvement process focussing on improvement at a classroom, leadership and system level.
School Improvement Team
School improvement requires a dedicated effort and must become a continuous cycle and part of the daily actions within each school. The School Improvement Team is comprised of people who work together to develop, lead and coordinate the school improvement process. Their role is to drive and take responsibility for school improvement by engaging, motivating and influencing staff to create corporate responsibility for all students and to monitor the progress of improvement and its impact on the learning, achievement and well-being of students.
The School Improvement Team is currently comprised of Mr Whitten, Mrs Browning, Mrs Saul, Mrs Stephens and Ms Walsh. Other members of staff join in the planning of different sessions depending on their expertise in a given area of focus.
Links between CPL and School Excellence Framework

The Powerful Learning Core
Three aspects are at the core of the overall program - The System and Powerful Learning, Curiosity and Powerful Learning and Leadership for Powerful Learning. Together they explain how powerful learning is made real for our students through purposeful, specific changes in whole school culture, classroom culture, leadership and teaching practice.
Two other aspects include Curiouser and Curiouser and Models of Practice which concentrate on precision in teaching practice. They stand as references for improving, planning, and monitoring professional practice, assisting us to get to the heart of the learning.

Theories of Action
Within the Curiosity and Powerful Learning Program there are ten Theories of Action. A Theory of Action is a common reference point or a shared guide. It assists us to identify, design, implement and evaluate teaching and leadership practices that expand our students ability to use curiosity as a doorway to powerful learning.
There are four whole school Theories of Action that are fundamental in every school and for all teaching practice. They create a reliable, consistent and supportive environment for implementing the other six Theories of Action that are for teachers. These form the core teaching protocols for the whole school.
Four Whole School Theories of Action are:
- Prioritise High Expectations and Authentic Relationships
- Emphasise Inquiry Focused Teaching
- Adopt Consistent Teaching Protocols
- Adopt Consistent Learning Protocols
Six Theories of Action for Teachers are:
- Harnessing Learning Intentions, Narrative and Pace
- Set Challenging Learning Tasks
- Frame Higher Order Questions
- Connect Feedback to Data
- Commit to Assessment for Learning
- Implement Cooperative Groups
All teaching staff receive professional learning on all the Theories of Action. They then put into practice each theory, often recording their own lessons for reflection. Each week, stage teams often demonstrate and observe the teaching practice of their colleagues. Colleagues provide feedback and coaching to improve practice, develop expertise and confidence. Improved teaching practice will lead to more powerful learning.